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A Warm Welcome to Birdway

Ian Montgomery invites you to enjoy the beauty and fascination of the birds and other wildlife of Australia and the World. Here you'll easily find thousands of great wildlife photos and - so far - three electronic books.


20 October 2024: this site contains

Thumbnail Links to Photo Galleries

Use the buttons below to see linked image thumbnails of the 146 bird families represented on this website. Choose between Global and Australasian birds and Non-passerines and Passerines.

Thumbnails of Global Non-passerinesGlobal Non-passerines

Non-passerines include most of the larger birds such as ducks, sea-birds, waders, raptors, owls, parrots and some smaller birds such as swifts and kingfishers.

Passerines include the many remaining smaller song and forest birds and a few larger relatives such as crows.

Thumbnails of Australian PasserinesAustralasian Passerines

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Index Links to Photo Galleries

Use the buttons below to view alphabetic and taxonomic indices linked to the 146 bird families and some other wildlife represented on this website. Choose between Global and Australasian alphabetic indices and taxonomic charts.

Global Birds AlphabeticAlphabetic

Alphabetic indices list all birds present by common names with direct links to their families.

Taxonomic charts show the orders and families of all birds either Globally or in Australasia and links to those represented in the website.

Global Birds TaxonomicTaxonomic

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High-resolution Originals

The photos in this site are from high-resolution originals suitable for printing (unless qualified with the comment 'for the record' or 'poor image quality') with a minimum length of 1,200 pixels along the longest side.

Contact Ian about fees for publication or commercial use of photos using the email link at the bottom of the page. See the page on image purchases for information about discounted fees for projects involving conservation and education.

The image purchases page also has a section specifying conditions for free use of images.

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Free Download of Ian's eBooks

Given the current pandemic, Ian has decided to give his ebooks free to anyone interested in nature. They can now be downloaded free through the Birdway Store on the Payhip website.

Click here to visit the Birdway Store on the Payhip website
Click here to visit the Birdway Store on Payhip

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Browsing the Galleries

Each photo gallery is a collection of one or more photos of a single species. Species are organised into their taxonomic families by way of global family index pages that contain one thumbnail image for each species. Families are organised in taxonomic sequence by previous and next links between the global index pages.

You can access the family index pages by using the thumbnails in the Quick Visual Links to Families above, or by searching for English bird names in either the Global or Australasian Alphabetical Index pages:

These Alphabetic Indexes are accessible using the drop down Menu at the top left of all mobile friendly pages (all pages created or revised since October 2015).

The global index pages are supplemented, where appropriate, by regional index pages contain subsets of the global thumbnails to show which species occur in each of the major regions: Australasia; the New World (the Americas) and the Old World (Eurasian and Africa).

The background colours of these regional family thumbnails are as follows:

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