We take pleasure in inviting you to participate in what we are planning to be an enjoyable and rewarding Living Sober Weekend. It is scheduled for the long weekend of Friday 4th to Monday 7th October 2024 and will consist of meetings, food, fellowship, and a dinner-dance with DJ Mal on the Saturday evening. We are delighted to have the participation of Al-Anon with a parallel program.
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This version is for printing as an A5 folded flyer. To print the flyer, download and print both A4 pages of the document below as landscape. Each A4 page consists of two A5 pages side by side. To photocopy, print on both sides of A4 pages create an A5 flyer. If making multiple copies, test with a single complete copy first to make sure that both sides are the same way up, and rotate the second master 180° if necessary.